Download free w2c 6
Download free w2c 6

If you are submitting this document to correct Form W-2, provide all 4 digits of the year you correcting the form. As an alternative, furnish the IRS W-2C Form containing the correct address in Block I and all other correct information to the employee but do not send the Copy A to the SSA The new copies must include the phrase "Reissued Statement". Just issue a corrected Form W-2 with the proper address to the affected employee. Do not file the Form W-2C with the SSA to correct the wrong address.Use a separate Form W-3C for each type of the Form W-2 you correct.If you need to correct a name or a Social Security number of an employee, fill our boxes D through I only.

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Use the following tips to prepare and submit the form properly: IRS Form W-2C consists of the six copies that are distributed in the same way as copies of Form W-2.

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